Tactile workshop for adults / Educational meeting
Addressed to: teachers, educators, librarians, parents, curious people... 20 participants maximum
Addressed to:
teachers, educators, librarians, parents, curious people... 20 participants maximum
Addressed to:
teachers, educators, librarians, parents, curious people... 20 participants maximum
Mode: in-person meeting
in-person meeting
in-person meeting
Duration: 4.00-5.00 h over two days (it can be adapted to individual necessities)
4.00-5.00 h over two days (it can be adapted to individual necessities)
4.00-5.00 h over two days (it can be adapted to individual necessities)
During these meetings we talk about tactile books from the point of view of the people who design them, relating to our experience and our approach. Every participant will work on an individual project (an illustration, a small book, a map...) realizing first hand that, when a material is designed as accessible from the beginning, the initial limits soon become an impulse to look at things with different eyes.
The workshop consists of a first, more theoretical part, on how we came to design tactile illustrated books, and on the tactile book industry in general terms, about its characteristics and its critical points. Then we will move to a more practical part, experimenting with our eyes closed to understand the great potential of materials as well as our senses. The last part consists in the creation of a personal work where sensations become representations that are both enjoyable by people who don’t see, as well as maintaining their visual appeal.
«A welcoming afternoon, rich in information, idea-sharing, and an intense search of ways to enter empathically in the tactile world, with a fantastic presenter, to say the least... Many smiles and hands at work...»
Monica, hand-made books lover
«A great experience. I treated myself to hours of passion, wonder, curiosity and interest for these extraordinary educational mediators, tactile illustrated books.»
Francesca, tyflologist
«I took part in the workshop "Leggere con dieci occhi" within the educational project "VoceVerso". The main subject of the meetings was the tactile book, which was illustrated in detail by Valentina, who guided us through a theoretical and practical journey in a professional way. It was interesting and exciting to close our eyes and experiment with other senses, to feel the paper crackling between our fingers while suggestions and memories emerged.»
Francesca, nursery teacher