Here's a new tactile project by DieciOcchi, addressed to the Historical Museum and Park of Miramare Castle: inside the pages of an inclusive guide book, archduke Maximilian of Habsburg and archduchess Charlotte of Belgium will take readers to the discovery of their beloved mansion.
We agreed with great pleasure to the request made by Miramare Museum and Park in Trieste the creation of an illustrated book also intended for visually impaired children. The project was officially presented in the wonderful Throne Hall of the Castle, in the presence of the sponsor, Saul Sadoch - Rex prodotti cartotecnici, of Lanfranco Lionello (Biblos publishing house) city authorities, the press, as well as Museum manager Andreina Contessa and her staff.
The event was broadcast by Rai Friuli Venezia Giulia and promoted by other media, on paper, tv, and online.

During the presentation, we listed the aspects one has to consider when creating an accessible production; then we went into detail, describing the ideas that distinguish our project (still in progress). For example, we pointed out the type of narration, in which archduke Maximilian of Habsburg and archduchess Charlotte of Belgium, the owners and founders of the Castle themselves, take the children to the discovery of their beloved mansion, together with their little dog Pay; we also focused on the aspect of the characters, brilliantly designed by the illustrator Giorgio Delmastro, and on the special format, which enables the reader to turn the pages easily even when the book is used during the visit of the Castle and Park.
The prototype of the tactile book was printed by Forma Printing, which will also be responsible for the final production.
The history of Miramare and its creators was a real discovery even for us. Thanks to the precious information and the interesting stories offered by Alice Cavinato and Daniela Crasso, who are responsible for the Museum collections, this place has left us really impressed. We are happy to have the opportunity to make its history known even by a young public, through all the auditive, olfactory and tactile sensations that abound in the Castle and Park.

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