From the meeting between the independent bookshop Sognalibri in Ostia and the project Fiabasofando, (aimed at creating game-philosophical workshops for children and adults), in 2019 the Rassegna delle Letterature Inclusive (Inclusive Literature Review) was born (Info and Programme): a cycle of meetings, conferences, seminars on reading accessible to all.
This year's edition, which is completely online, features a rich calendar with the participation of associations, publishing houses, libraries, authors, translators, therapists, illustrators and many other guests who are experts in inclusive literature, from 29 April to 4 June 2021.
On the very day in which the cycle of meetings closes, DieciOcchi will be hosted by Giancarlo Chirico, head of Fiabasofando, and bookseller Silvia Mastrogiovanni of Sognalibri: a chat to talk about our project, from how it was born to how it has developed, to read our books together and to give birth to the pleasure of discovering tactile books. And maybe even the desire to create one.
We look forward to seeing you on Friday 4 June 2021 at 6 p.m. on the Review's facebook page.
Here is the complete programme.