News, appointments, events and information about our books and activities,
but also many other interesting things we like to bring to your attention

News, appointments, events and information about our books and activities, but also many other interesting things we like to bring to your attention

A day with the archdukes – illustrated tactile guide to Miramare Castle and Park

The new book created by DieciOcchi for the Museo Storico e Parco del Castello di Miramare is already available for visitors who would like to use it.

DieciOcchi at Miramare Castle

Here’s a new tactile project by DieciOcchi, addressed to the Historical Museum and Park of Miramare Castle: inside the pages of an inclusive guide book, archduke Maximilian of Habsburg and archduchess Charlotte of Belgium will take readers to the discovery of their beloved mansion.
Il girasole (The sunflower) gets listed on the italian guide Nati per Leggere (“Born to Read”)

Il Girasole on the “Nati per Leggere” guide

You can find our book in the reference catalogue “Nati per Leggere” (“Born to Read”) for parents and future readers compiled by the team of pediatricians and librarians of the national programme…
VOCEVERSO: workshop Leggere con dieci occhi. Table with the participants at work

Workshop for the project “Voceverso”

Reading with Ten Eyes is the educational meeting which we organised for “Voceverso”, the project winner of the Cepell competition “Educare alla lettura 2020” promoted by the Birba…
News. Le Tournesol, the new tactile illustrated book for children by DieciOcchi, is available in bookshop

“Il girasole” is finally in the bookshop!

We strongly believed in this project: to our great satisfaction, we saw the book taking its form little by little, just as we wanted. Planning and publishing a book is a wonderful adventure…
Save to Date: Friday 4 June 2021 at 18:00 DieciOcchi guest of the Review


DieciOcchi will be hosted by Giancarlo Chirico, head of Fiabasofando, and bookseller Silvia Mastrogiovanni of Sognalibri: a chat to talk about the…
Illustration of PCs, tablets and smarthphones showing the home page of the new DieciOcchi website


The DieciOcchi website is online! We have worked hard on it, trying not to forget anything, to make it as faithful as possible to what we are, what we do…
EasyReading Font Logo. The typeface that overcomes reading barriers


For the graphics of our new website, we have chosen to use the EasyReading® font. This is a highly readable typeface designed specifically to be of help…
Catalogo del progetto A spasso con le dita, alla scoperta dell’illustrazione tattile per l’infanzia


A project of the National Federation of Institutions for the Blind Onlus, first created with the aim of disseminating and making known tactile illustrated books, and…
Sur le chemin de la maison exhibited in the competition's travelling exhibition


It is a competition organised annually by the Federal Office of Culture of the Swiss Confederation. The competition is open to book designers, publishing houses and…